Street dog saved a new born baby by carrying her in mouth

Here is another heartstring-tugging tale of a dog’s supposedly saving an abandoned newborn child. The story of how a dog saved a infant baby, who was apparently dumped by her mother near a waste bin. The story of this dog will put you in tears and make you fall in love with the dogs.

Dog saved abandoned newborn baby's life
Viral photo of Saudi dog carrying a newborn baby to nearest home | Image Credits Facebook

Social media around the globe were awash with the photographs of a dog seemingly carrying a newborn child, whose umbilical cord was still attached .

Going into the details, a dog found a new born baby across the street dog took the baby in its mouth with out hurting the baby to a nearby house, where she was rushed to hospital. Thanks to this dog as the baby is alive and healthy.

Dog saved abandoned newborn baby's life from waste bin
Viral photo of Saudi dog carrying a newborn baby to nearest home | Image Credits Facebook

The Saudi daily said it does not know whether the incident took place in the Gulf Kingdom or another country but it added that the dog saved the baby’s life.

“Those who posted the pictures said the dog carried the baby to the nearest house, whose dwellers rushed her to the hospital the baby’s life was saved by the dog,” the paper said, adding that the baby was apparently dumped by her mother near a waste bin.

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